Code of Conduct
Our Commitment
Chaplaincy NZ is committed to attaining and maintaining of the highest standards of professional service for its member chaplains in a wide range of community positions.
This Code prescribes standards of responsible and ethical conduct expected of all Chaplaincy NZ member chaplains.
All chaplains should:
Demonstrate humility
Carry out their duties in a safe manner
Observe fairness and equity
Operate cooperatively
Manage conflicts of interest transparently and effectively
Express professionalism
Observance of the Code
Member chaplains are expected to familiarise themselves with the Chaplaincy NZ Code of Conduct and ensure that its provisions are observed.
Breach of Code
Failure to comply with the provisions of the Chaplaincy NZ Code of Conduct on the part of a member chaplain may be grounds for disciplinary action by Chaplaincy NZ.
Where a member chaplain is in doubt about the applicability of provisions of the Chaplaincy NZ Code of Conduct or about the appropriate course of action to be adopted in relation to it, advice should be sought from the Director of Chaplaincy NZ. Such advice shall be provided on a confidential basis.
Principles Humility
To be humble is to hold an appropriate estimation of one’s capabilities and to avoid exceeding one’s abilities. Member chaplains must act in a humble manner.
Chaplains have a duty to:
Undertake their duties appropriate to their call and giftedness
Undertake their duties in a manner cognisant of biblical and communal values.
Chaplains will refrain from:
Misrepresenting their past or present level of qualification, accreditation, or training;
Attempting to provide services for which they are not adequately qualified, accredited or trained.
To be caring is to display compassion and to make provision for people. Member chaplains have a duty of care (that is, he or she must take all reasonable steps to ensure his or her actions do not knowingly cause harm to others) when fulfilling their professional role.
Chaplains have a duty to:
Foster clear communication with their supervisors and those they care for.
Observe due process when handling complaints or grievances.
Provide a level of care consistent with best practice.
Chaplains will refrain from:
Using condescending or disrespectful language and profanities.
Using physically or emotionally threatening communication.
Engaging in physical contact that is inappropriate or threatening.
Circumventing complaints or grievances by not observing due process.
To be fair is to respect the rights of others and to treat others with equity and respect. Chaplains are obligated to conduct themselves without discriminating (that is, he or she must not treat others based on prejudice) in accordance with institutional and regulatory requirements. Member chaplains must act in a fair manner.
Chaplains have a duty to:
Deal justly and without prejudice with those they care for.
Treat other people with equity.
Chaplains will not:
Divulge personal or domestic information obtained from people they care for.
Engage in any form of sexual or any other type of harassment, abuse or neglect of any person.
Discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, religion, political belief, marital or parental status, sexuality, or age.
To be transparent is to be open and truthful in dealing with people. Chaplains are obligated to conduct themselves in such ways as to avoid or to disclose real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. Member chaplains must act in a transparent manner.
Chaplains will:
Undertake their duties with integrity.
Ensure that their decisions are not influenced by self-interest or personal gain.
Avoid situations that give rise to conflicts of interest (that is, situations where chaplains have a real, potential or perceived opportunity to prefer their own interests, or those of any other person or organisation).
Report any real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest to the Director of Chaplaincy NZ at the first available opportunity (preferably in writing) or, where this is not possible or practical, to a member of the Chaplaincy NZ Board which is ultimately responsible to deal with the complaint. Action can then be agreed upon to resolve the conflict of interest.
Decline the offer of gifts or benefits (that is, monetary or non-monetary benefits that do not comprise salaries, wages, honorariums that comprise a real, potential or perceived attempt to inappropriately influence their duties).
To be compliant is to agree to act in accordance with the law, the provisions of the Chaplaincy NZ Code of Conduct and with professional best practices. Chaplains are obligated to conduct themselves in alignment with reasonable institutional and communal expectations regarding their duties. Member chaplains must act in a compliant manner, which includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements.
All chaplains must:
Comply with the specific institutional requirements of their placement including OSH policies, industry-specific codes of conduct, and organisational policies and procedures.
Ensure that unauthorised parties cannot readily access confidential and/or sensitive information held in any format.
Secure confidential and/or sensitive information.
Discuss confidential and/or sensitive information only with authorised people, either within or outside the chaplain's place of activity.
Chaplaincy NZ has a Statement of Doctrinal Belief. Click Here to View
All chaplains must:
Refrain from promoting doctrinal positions that are not those commonly held by the Christian community in New Zealand.
Be generous in their critique of Christians who hold contrary doctrinal positions, recognising that none of us has possession of all truth.
Complaints and Infringements
Regarding complaints against a member chaplain:
Any person may lodge a complaint.
A formal complaint must be made in writing and submitted to the Director of Chaplaincy NZ.
Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Director of Chaplaincy NZ shall, within seven days, notify the chaplain complained against of that action such notification to be in writing.
In all cases the rule of natural justice shall apply. The chaplain concerned must be advised of the charge and given the chance to defend the charge orally (or by written submission) to the Director of Chaplaincy NZ.
The Director of Chaplaincy NZ, in consultation with the appropriate regional Chaplaincy NZ facilitator, after consideration of all the evidence before it, shall adopt one or more of the following measures:
a) Take no further action.
b) Caution, reprimand or censure the chaplain.
c) Refer the case to the Chaplaincy NZ board.
Regardless of what decision is made by the Director of Chaplaincy NZ, the Director of Chaplaincy NZ shall ensure that all parties shall be notified within 14 days in writing of the decision and the reasons for that decision.
Where the chaplain is not satisfied with the decision of the Director of Chaplaincy NZ, the chaplain shall have right of appeal to the Chairman of Chaplaincy NZ. The Chaplaincy NZ Board shall consider the matter at the next scheduled board meeting and advise the chaplain of their decision within 14 days of the meeting.